Monday, December 21, 2015

Yatra to Mahavatar Babaji cave.. September 2015..

Namaste friends... it was in September 2015 that our yatra to Mahavatar Babaji cave in Dunagiri village outside of Dwarahat in the Almora district of the Indian state of Uttarkhand took place.  This was our second yatra to this most sacred place... known as a maha shakti pat in the Vedic tradition...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Man's eternal quest...

by Dr Carolyn Heising and Dr. Ram Sharma

And when the sun pours forth his morning glow
in streams of glory from his path below
they gain new beauty as his kisses break
his darling's slumber on the mountain lake
for God is the glory of the earth
and God gave woman to man
so as the sky is to the ocean
mind is to the soul
ephermeral is the mind
eternal is the soul

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dr Ram's Grandfather...

Namaste friends...  Dr Ram's grandfather was a great yogi and ayurvedic practitioner.... he travelled widely in the himalayas on foot for months at a time...  It is in his spirit and with his spirit that we are pilgrimaging to the himalayas this summer... namaskar .. _/\_ OM blessings _/\_

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

On the path of the Masters...

Namaste friends... on the path of the Masters... those spiritually enlightened individuals who are recognized in all spiritual traditions... we bow to saints and masters of all religions.. pranam _/\_

Nanda devi mandir (temple) ... Uttarakhand, India...

Nanda Devi National Park is situated in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. The spectacular panoramas of peaks encircling the national park are Trishul (21460 feet),  Dunagiri (21,210 feet), and Nanda Devi (25,643 feet (7,816 m)) as well as others.

Drone footage of the himalayas.... unbelievable.. spectacular...

Magnificent Nanda Devi.... calling us to the himalayas...

Namaste friends... magnificent Nanda devi... goddess of bliss.. is calling us to the himalayas..

[PHOTO:  Nanda devi peak in the Indian state of Uttarakhand]

Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Himalayas... summer 2015...

Namaste friends... this summer 2015... we are on a spiritual pilgrimage to the himalayas... specifically Nanda devi.. Goddess of bliss... 

[PHOTO:  Nanda devi in Uttarakhand, India... bhum devi... land of the gods..]

Welcome to Spiritual Odyssey India...

Namaste friends... and welcome to Spiritual Odyssey India...

We are here to facilitate your odyssey as well to India... Maa Bharat... the land of enchantment and the ancient Vedic spiritual heritage ..